Bnei Akiva of Los Angeles will collect shaimot in Los Angeles to be brought to the Dovid Oved Retreat Center in Running Springs and buried according to Halacha in the Rachel Tabibi z"l Geniza.
This project has been endowed in memory of Rachel Tabibi z"l, a charming bat mitzvah girl, whose loss was felt throughout our community. She made her actions intentional reflections of her relationship with Hashem, his Mitzvot and his Torah. With incredible kavana, she said brachot over food and carefully articulated the words of her tefilot; she raised her hand to kiss mezuzot, she stood for her elders, and she walked her guests on their way out of her home, all with a smile and a chein that filled those around her with warmth and love. Her respect and love for divrei Torah was natural, and in a sense, contagious, to all those around her.
Recently, as Rachel's friend celebrated her bat mitzvah at the Dovid Oved Retreat Center, she sought a way to honor Rachel’s life. Becoming aware of our community's need for a location to permanently house – with dignity – holy writings and objects that are not being used anymore, it became clear that a Geniza would be a wonderful way to continue Rachel's innate respect for Hashem and his Torah.